Nemroth Turul NemzetsÉg ~ Nemrud Turul Dynasty
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MÉD [MADA/MAGYA] BIRODALOM – Nimród-hegy [Nemrut Dağı, Çiyayê Nemrûd, նեմրութ] |
Nimrod/Nemroth/MénRót [NimbUr Zarathurstra] the magical hunter ruled Sumer, Subartu and Bactria. He was the first king after flood, and the forefather of the HungArians [Huns & Magyars] Nemroth a MAGyarok Ősapja!
Nimrod/Nemroth/MénRót sons HunUr and MagUr [Hunor-Magor] Gemini the
Royal Scythians followed a white stag from Bactria to Alania. Married with the
Alanian Dulo princesses and were bornt the Huns and Magyars [the SarMatians (Sar
Med-Meder[Madar]-Megyer/Mag(yar)i ~ Hun(g)Arian. For example, the Greek historian Herodotus, describing the people of Media, writes, „The Medes were called anciently by all people Aryans; but when Medea, the Colchian, came to them from Athens, they changed their name. Such is the account which they themselves give.” - Herodotus
Med-Meder[Madar]-Megyer/Mag(yar)i ~ Hun(g)Arian. For example, the Greek historian Herodotus, describing the people of Media, writes, „The Medes were called anciently by all people Aryans; but when Medea, the Colchian, came to them from Athens, they changed their name. Such is the account which they themselves give.” - Herodotus
The „Aria” = Hun here is; Arrian [2th century] writes
Ariusque qui Arios another form for this is; Darius que qui Unos or Darius que
qui Hunnos The Iitinerarum Alexandri [4th century] has also; Darius que qui
Hunnos or Arius que qui Arios or Arius que qui Hunnos so the Huns are the
Arians [Aryans]
Az ,,Ária” = Hun-t jelent itt; a [2. században] Arius que
qui Arios más formájáról ír ennek; Darius que qui Unos vagy Darius que qui
Hunnos. A Nagy Sándor utazásai [4. század] is; Darius que qui Hunnos or Arius
que qui Arios vagy Arius que qui Hunnos vagyis a Hunok az Árják.
The Yezidi [Jazygian/Alan] calendar is 6764 yrs old and is
the oldest in the Middle East. There is a prophecy, which the Yezidis believe, that
says all Aryan tribes will be united in spiritual harmony as one people. No
other time in history, but in the past 1500 years have we seen this happen.
A 6764 éves Jazidi [Jász/Alán] naptár a legrégebbi naptár
Közel-Keleten. Van egy jóslat, melyben a Jazidik [Jászok] hisznek, ami azt
mondja, hogy az Árja törzsek spirituális harmóniában egyesülnek majd egy
emberként. Semmikor máskor történelmünkben nem láttuk ezt megtörténni, mint az
elmúlt 1500 évben.
Huns Not Dead - HungArians - Calling Scythians!
One of the most beautiful and mystical symbols in the
HungArian legendry is the turul bird. The origins of the turul legendry go way
back to prehistoric HungArian past. It is the relic of the ancient HungArian
faith, the embodier of the powers above and the monarchic sovereignty, the
national symbol of the providence and guidelines. It is the ancient symbol of
national identity and togetherness.
Legendry originates the Turul Clan from the bird (the
dynasty was later wrongly called Árpád clan) thus emphasizing the divine origin
of the monarchs and kings of the dynasty. The turul bird has both a
mythological existence and a real one. Both were the symbols, guards of the
Holy Spirit for the ancient HungArians.
The legends, ancient chronicles and oral tradition originate
the dynasty from Nemroth/MénRót [Nimrud], the first king after the flood. Álmos
and his offspring were very proud to originate their family from Hun Atilla [Ethele]
and the Turul Dynasty [Turul Clan]. Their origin myth was preserved by chroniclers for the after-ages.
Atilla az eredeti latin szövegekben: Nepos Magni Nemroth - Nagy Nemroth Unokája.
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