Nemroth Turul NemzetsÉg ~ Nemrud Turul Dynasty

MÉD [MADA/MAGYA] BIRODALOM – Nimród-hegy [Nemrut Dağı, Çiyayê Nemrûd, նեմրութ] Nimrod/Nemroth/MénRót [NimbUr Zarathurstra] the magical hunter ruled Sumer, Subartu and Bactria. He was the first king after flood, and the forefather of the HungArians [Huns & Magyars] Nemroth a MAGyarok Ősapja! Nimrod/Nemroth/MénRót sons HunUr and MagUr [Hunor-Magor] Gemini the Royal Scythians followed a white stag from Bactria to Alania. Married with the Alanian Dulo princesses and were bornt the Huns and Magyars [the SarMatians ( Sar Mada/Mede) ] Med-Meder[Madar]-Megyer/Mag(yar)i ~ Hun(g)Arian. For example, the Greek historian Herodotus, describing the people of Media, writes, „ The Medes were called anciently by all people Aryans ; but when Medea, the Colchian, came to them from Athens, they changed their name. Such is the account which they themselves give.” - Herodotus The „Aria” = Hun here is; Arrian [2th century] writes Ariusque qui Arios another form for this ...